Thursday, 18 August 2016

Heroes:The Next Hooded Stuff

Alright, turns out Trust and Blood's only got one scene where there's a hooded person besides the recap. And it's Tracy. Who is a cunt. Joy. So, I'm just gonna describe only that scene.

Anyway, Nathan visits Tracy in a van (and no, I don't know why the goggles and earmuffs aren't there either). And after the talk, Tracy is rehooded. Would've been much better if she was just hooded from the start to begin with if you ask me.

Anyway, moving on to Exposed, Peter and Matt head to Building 26 where they find footage of hooded people! Yay!

And the plan goes sour and Peter releases it to the news.

Well, that was actually really underwhelming. Oh, well. See ya!

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